
Archive for October 2, 2009

The Three “F’s” Fitness Friday and Failure

October 2, 2009 Leave a comment

Today once again is Fitness Friday the time of the week when I tell you all about my goal to eventually get ripped.  Unfortunately there isn’t much to say this week.  I started out strong on Monday; I did all the required exercises, both push-ups and sit-ups.  Wednesday, however, not only did I go on a hike but I was punched in the gut by flu like symptoms. (When I say punched in the gut I am, of course, being figurative. It wasn’t the stomach flu it was the normal flu I am just inferring that it came with out warning and it was a jerky thing to happen.)

Between the flu, hiking, and youth group I had no energy left Wednesday to work on my “guns” or my “pack.” I consoled myself by saying I would simply do it Thursday.  Thursday rolled around however and between suffering from, at this point, extreme flu like symptoms and work I had absolutely no desire nor energy to perform the required exercises.

All of this brings us to today, Fitness Friday. I am still ill although I feel much better compared to yesterday.  And I don’t have any desire to work on my “guns” or sculpt my “pack.”  I hope to work up the motivation to do it by the time I go to sleep tonight but we’ll have to see.  Either way I plan on picking back up with the same week next Monday and this time succeeding.

I won’t let this get me down though, I will rise above this. I will fight to achieve the body of an Adonis. So do not lose faith kind readers I will rise above my laziness and my sickness. The odds are against me but I will continue the fight.  One day I will beat it! It may take me a day, or a week, or even a week and a half but it will be done. It will be done!